Harnessing the incredible power of social media has been a Morphe hallmark ever since 2013. The brand has become famous for its collaborations with major influencers and its welcoming, “Artistry for All” philosophy. Skaggs was responsible for the digital launch of Morphe’s latest collaboration with influencer Jaclyn Hill, a makeup artist who counts over four million subscribers on her YouTube channel. The competitively priced, quality product featuring 35 stunning eye shadow shades, known as the Jaclyn Hill x Morphe 35 Color Palette, sold out in 43 minutes, selling 200,000 units. At the time of the online launch, there were 326,000 visitors on the website, and the line at the retail store in Burbank, California, extended over four blocks down the street. Skaggs focused both on Jaclyn Hill, the social media star, as well as the gorgeous, deeply pigmented, on-trend colors of the palette in the online campaign.